Must or Have To infographic web

Must or Have to?

Elementary students are taught that there is very little difference between the words MUST and HAVE TO. Little as it may be, it exists. And in this post I would like to give you several rules which will help you decide which one is better in the given sentence. <!– wp:more –> ADVERT: [showmyads] In…

Shopping dialogues fb image

Two speaking activities for elementary students

Speaking activities are essential in a communicative approach. Most people agree that students should communicate ever since they start learning English. However, it is really difficult to design genuine communicative tasks for low-level students of English. In this post, I would like to share two communicative tasks for beginners. In the first one, students practise…

Comparatives and Superlatives – additional exercises

Comparatives and Superlatives – additional exercises

It is quite easy to form comparatives and superlatives in English. However, without much practice students will make a lot of mistakes. To provide enough practice for my students I have created the following exercises. There are three gap-fill exercises where students will practise the grammar in context. <!– wp:more –> ADVERT: [showmyads] In this…

Machines and appliances vocabulary crossword

Modern Technology – English vocabulary

Picture dictionaries are very popular among learners of English. In this post, I would like to offer you a pictionary with vocabulary connected with Modern Technology. This post contains an infographic, a crossword and three games. <!– wp:more –> Print the following infographic for your students. ADVERT: [showmyads] It is a good idea to drill…

Verb master board game

Verb master board game

Verb master board game is intended to replace drills. The aim of this game is to help students learn to form verb tenses. While drills are boring, board games are interesting and fun. Thus, students practise the grammar forms and enjoy it. <!– wp:more –> The great advantage of the Verb master game is the…

A SOME THE ANY AN infographic


When you teach the concept of countability in English, students have to learn to use the words A, SOME, THE, ANY, AN in front of the nouns correctly. To decide correctly, students have to take several mental steps.In this post I explain the mental process and I offer your students a chance to practise it…

Verb to be additional infographic

Verb to be

The verb TO BE is the most important verb in English. Unfortunately, it is the most irregular verb in English, too. However, as all students of English manage to master its forms in the end, there is no reason to dispair. This mastery comes through practise. In this post I would like to share with…

Modal verb Can

Modal verb CAN

In my opinion the modal verb CAN is one of the easiest grammar points in English to teach. That is why I have not produced a post on this topic yet. However, this is going to change, as I am in need of one and I am going to share it here with you. In…