My First Mobile App

My First Mobile App

Mobile phones are bad! Students spend hours on mobile apps and they do not learn! What can we do about it? I tried to do something about it. I prepared a responsive website for my students to learn on their mobiles and … they didn´t come. <!– wp:more –> But then I created my first…

How are you?

How are you?

Yesterday English Through Music published an awesome song called “How are you?”. As the song is easy to remember and sing, I contacted Jules and asked him for a permission to write a post around the song. He kindly agreed and here you can see the result. ADVERT: [showmyads] This post is mainly for beginners…

Prepositions of place – speaking activities

Prepositions of place – speaking activities

Recently, in the post called Questions with Like, I asked you to choose the activity you would like me to write about. Most of you voted for a Speaking activity, so I prepared a set of speaking activities to practice the prepositions of place. I have already created a post on prepositions, so this time…

Learn to use the conjunctions DESPITE, IN SPITE OF and ALTHOUGH
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Learn to use the conjunctions DESPITE, IN SPITE OF and ALTHOUGH

In this post I would like to teach you how to use the words DESPITE, IN SPITE OF, ALTHOUGH, EVEN THOUGH, BECAUSE OF and BECAUSE correctly. I will explain the meaning of the words and the grammar. To help you with this there are two games, a mind map, a video explanation and a graphical…