Teacher in front of the board talking about the difference betweent the past simple and continuous tense.

Past simple and continuous tense

I love teaching this grammar point. Using modern technology, it is very easy to show the difference between these two tenses, and students usually understand everything quickly. However, it is important to follow a specific sequence to teach the difference effectively. I will start my sequence by assuming students already know the past simple tense. Here’s…

Have to featured image.

HAVE TO and DON’T HAVE TO – a set of activities to teach these two verbs

I usually deal with complex grammar points, but this time I will share a set of activities focusing on just one verb: HAVE TO. It is quite simple, and students pick up the grammar quickly. However, it HAS TO be taught, and the following activities will hopefully help you. In this post, you will find…

Present simple questions and answers

Questions in the present simple tense

English teachers looking to teach question formation in the present simple tense will find a variety of helpful activities here. These resources include a speaking activity called 444 Grammar Questions, a board game, an instructional video, and several interactive online exercises. All these activities are free to use in your English lessons and are designed…

Daily routines. Learn vocabulary and present simple tense.

Engaging Activities to Teach Present Simple and Daily Routines

As an English teacher, I’ve discovered a few activities that work very well when teaching the present simple tense and daily routines. In this post, you will find some tried-and-tested methods I’ve used to help my students learn these. Vocabulary Video This video introduces students to 16 common phrases in the present simple tense while…

Three graded readers. Five H.G.Wells stories, 12 Biblical Stories and Five Sherlock Holmes stories

Graded Readers

Graded readers are an excellent way to learn and improve your English. They offer stories with vocabulary and grammar appropriate for your level, allowing you to practice the language and build fluency. Additionally, you encounter new words in a clear context, which helps expand your vocabulary. The stories are also engaging, making the learning process…

Irregular verbs speaking activity - speaking cards
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Irregular Verbs – Controlled Past Simple Speaking Activity

Speaking activities are the best thing in teaching and learning a foreign language. However, students sometimes run out of ideas about what they should say or the language they use is far from the one we try to teach them. To solve the problem, I designed the CARD SPEAKING activity.

3 Speaking Activities to Practice the Past Simple Tense

3 Speaking Activities to Practice the Past Simple Tense

Textbooks often don´t offer enough speaking practice. If the book is good it gives you two speaking activities per unit and nothing more. Then the teacher has to search high and low to find some more. To make the search shorter, I share three speaking activities you can use to practise the past simple tense….

A set of activities to learn the numbers from 1 to 10

Numbers 1-10

Sometimes it is necessary to teach the very basics because students often believe that they know it, but they don’t. Numbers 1-10 are a typical example of superficial knowledge students often have. Even at a young age, they can count from one to ten, but once the numbers don’t go one after another, they are…