Forming Questions in Past Tense
It is really important that students learn to form questions in the past simple tense. If they don’t, they won’t be able to ask about the things that happened in the past. And as most conversations deal with the things that already happened it is vital to be able to ask about the details they are interested in.
In this post I would like to help you teach your students form questions in the past simple tense using the auxiliary DID. This post will not deal with the verb TO BE in the past tense. You can find a post on the verb TO BE in questions here.
You will find here two videos, an infographic and several interactive exercises. I hope you like it.
Question words
First play the video and ask the students to watch and say the question words – best before they see them on the screen.
Then, cut the following worksheet into five stripes and ask the students to write the appropriate question words there.
Wh question words worksheetNow you can move to forming questions in the past simple tense.
Forming questions in past tense – explanation
If you use the following infographic ask the students to fold the paper, so they can see only the last three rectangles.
To form a question in the past tense, just add DID at the beginning of the sentence and put the verb into its basic form. If you want to get a more complex answer, put a question word at the beginning. And there you are. Now you can form questions in the past simple tense.
Here you can see a video on how to form questions in the past simple tense.
Thank you. It is very useful.
I loved this lesson plan!! Thanks a lot!!
Thanks a lot, it helps my students a lot to understand how to form questions in simple past.