Have got game
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Have got – board game

Recently my colleague noticed that our textbook contains too few exercises to practise the verb HAVE GOT. To bridge this gap I decided to create a board game. A board game will allow my students practise the grammar in a fun way and this activity can be used repeatedly.


Print the file once for each group of 2-4 students. Each group will need a dice, the paper with the correct answers (see below) and each player will need a counter.

Have got a simple explanation

Have got – questions

Have got – more activities

Students place their counters on the START and one of them throws the dice. They move their counters according to the number they throw. Once they land on a field they have to make a sentence using HAVE GOT. If the sentence is correct, they can stay where they landed. If it is wrong, they have to return to the START.

The correct answers are:

  1. He has got books.
  2. She has got a bag.
  3. They have got ice cream.
  4. We have got a car.
  5. I have got an apple.
  6. She has got flowers.
  7. It has got a bag. / The dog has got a bag.
  8. She has got a doll.
  9. He has got a pencil.
  10. I have got a banana
  11. We have got a train.
  12. They have got a child.
  13. They have got a ball.
  14. We have got a dog.
  15. It has got a ball. / The bear has got a ball.
  16. I have got a chair.
  17. You have got a horse.
  18. They have got presents.
  19. She has got a butterfly.

Board Game / version 2

You can try a bit more demanding version of this game. If the students throw 1 or 2, they make an affirmative sentence. If they throw 3 or 4 they make a negative sentence, and if they throw 5-6, they have to make a question.

Then the correct answers are:

  1. He has got books. | He hasn’t got books. | Has he got books?
  2. She has got a bag. | She hasn’t got a bag. | Has she got a bag?
  3. They have got ice cream. | They haven’t got ice cream. | Have they got ice cream?
  4. We have got a car.| We haven’t got a car. | Have we got a car?
  5. I have got an apple.| I haven’t an apple. | Have I got an apple?
  6. She has got flowers.| She hasn’t got flowers. | Has she got flowers?
  7. It has got a bag. / The dog has got a bag. | It hasn’t got a bag. | Has it got a bag?
  8. She has got a doll. | She hasn’t got a doll. | Has she got a doll?
  9. He has got a pencil. | He hasn’t got a pencil. | Has he got a pencil?
  10. I have got a banana | I haven’t got a banana. | Have I got a banana?
  11. We have got a train. | We haven’t got a train. | Have we got a train?
  12. They have got a child.| They haven’t got a child. | Have they got a child?
  13. They have got a ball. | They haven’t got a ball. | Have they got a ball?
  14. We have got a dog. | We haven’t got a dog. | Have we got a dog?
  15. It has got a ball. / The bear has got a ball. | It hasn’t got a ball. | Has it got a ball?
  16. I have got a chair. | I haven’t got a chair. | Have I got a chair?
  17. You have got a horse. | You haven’t got a horse. | Have you got a horse?
  18. They have got presents. | They haven’t got presents. | Have they got ice presents?
  19. She has got a butterfly.| She hasn’t got a butterfly. | Has she got a butterfly?
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