Irregular verbs in pictures fb

Irregular verbs in pictures

All the pedagogy books tell you that pictures are much more memorable than words. There is even this saying “A picture is worth thousand words”. So why don’t we use this fact and use pictures for teaching for example irregular verbs?

Unfortunately, things are not that easy. In fact, the research shows that it is more difficult to learn from a pictionary than from a simple word list. However, the research as well showed that pictures can help you remember the words if they are used as a support.

In this post I come up with an original way of presenting irregular verbs in English using pictures. It is not a pictionary, but the pictures just serve as a way of supporting your memory in remembering the past tense and the past participle. Moreover, there are two games, a worksheet and an online quiz to practise what the students learn.

Irregular verbs in pictures – infographic

Print the following infographic and explain that students should have a look at the pictures and find words for the pictures which rhyme with the form of the irregular verb above it. For example: sent – ant, paid – eight, went – vent etc.
Put simply, the pictures do not represent the irregular verbs, they rhyme with them.
[showmyads] Irregular verbs in pictures

Check the rhymes with the students and ask them to memorise them for two minutes. Then hand out the second page from the file and ask them to complete the tables with past tense and past participle of the verbs.

Irregular verbs in pictures – pdf file

The last page of the hand out contains two simple exercises: In the first one students should complete the table and in the second, they use the past tenses of the verbs from the table and complete the sentences.

Irregular verbs in pictures – games

The first game is called Penalty Shootout. In this game you should choose the correct past tense and past participle of each verb and then try to score a goal. Good luck.
As the game is in Flash, it will only play on desktop computers.

Irregular verbs in pictures – Penalty

The second game is in Flash and will play only on desktop computers. It is called On Target, and your task is to choose the correct option and then shoot all the bad cows and ducks. You can shoot one of the bottles on the wall to get a bonus. Enjoy.

Irregular verbs in pictures – On Target

The following quiz can help your students practise the irregular verbs either at school or at home. In the quiz you have to choose the correct verb for each sentence. The students will be rewarded with a game if they pass. The quiz is in HTML5, so it will play on all desktops and mobile devices.
[showmyads] Irregular verbs in pictures – quiz

Irregular verbs in pictures – lesson plan

  • Print the pdf file.
  • Hand out the first page.
  • Students find the rhymes.
  • Check the answers.
  • Hand out page two.
  • Students complete the tables.
  • Play the game Penalty.
  • Play the game On Target.
  • Hand out page three.
  • Students complete exercise 1.
  • They check their answers on page one.
  • Students complete exercise 2.
  • Check their answers.
  • Irregular verbs – links

    You can find some interesting materials to teach irregular verbs at British Council site.

    Here is a great video on irregular verbs by my friend Fluency MC.

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