Irregular verbs – past simple tense
Irregular verbs are probably the most important verbs in English. There are quite a lot of them and they are very common. However, for many ESL and EFL students they are very difficult to learn.
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I have already prepared many activities to teach the irregular verbs to my students. There are irregular verbs from the rap song by Fluency MC, there are several stories to learn the verbs in context and there are many infographics to make the learning a bit easier.
Having tried all of these, I have to say that the most effective way of teaching irregular verbs in English is the SNOWBALL method. This method does not promise to teach you 100 verbs in 10 minutes. You have to study the verbs for 10 days in a row to learn these, but then I can guarantee that you will remember more than 90% of these verbs. So why donĀ“t you try it for yourself?
Snowball method – How does it work?
Moreover, if you make a mistake, the verb is repeated again until you get it right or until you make 3 mistakes.
Irregular verbs – infographics
Irregular verbs – Snowballs
Do Snowball 2 the next day. Then do Snowballs 3-10 one each day. Snowball 1 – full screen Snowball 2 – full screen Snowball 3 – full screen Snowball 4 – full screen Snowball 5 – full screen ADVERT:
[showmyadsa] Snowball 6 – full screen Snowball 7 – full screen Snowball 8 – full screen Snowball 9 – full screen Snowball 10 – full screen