Online Quizzes to Practise Present Simple

In this post I would like to share 7 online quizzes to practise the present simple tense. All the quizzes are in HTML 5, so you or your students can play them on their mobile phones. Moreover, if you have a website or a wordpress site, you can easily enter these exercise there by copying the code under the quizzes.

<!– wp:more –>


Present simple – affirmative

In the first two quizzes, students can practise forming the affirmative statements in the present simple tense. In the first quiz they have to put the verb into the correct form.

To play the quiz on the full screen, click the button below:

Present tense affirmative

To put this quiz on your website or wordpress site, just copy the following code:

[code language="html"]
<iframe width="710" height="480" src=" simple/Quizzes/Present simple affirmative (Web)/index.html"></iframe>

In the second quiz, students test their knowledge of the third person singular.

To play the quiz on the full screen, click the button below:

Third person affirmative

To put this quiz on your website or wordpress site, just copy the following code:

[code language="html"]
<iframe width="710" height="480" src=" simple/Quizzes/Present simple affirmative third person (Web)/index.html"></iframe>

Present simple – Negative sentences

In the following quiz, students are asked to make the sentences negative.

To play the quiz on the full screen, click the button below:

Present simple negatives

To put this quiz on your website or wordpress site, just copy the following code:

[code language="html"]
<iframe width="710" height="480" src=" simple/Quizzes/Present simple negative (Web)/index.html"></iframe>

Present simple – Questions

In the following quiz, students practise forming questions in the present simple tense.

To play the quiz on the full screen, click the button below:

Questions in the present simple tense

To put this quiz on your website or wordpress site, just copy the following code:

[code language="html"]
<iframe width="710" height="480" src=" simple/Quizzes/Present simple questions (Web)/index.html"></iframe>

In the fifth quiz, students can test their knowledge of the short answers in the present simple tense:

To play the quiz on the full screen, click the button below:

Questions and short answers in the present simple tense

To put this quiz on your website or wordpress site, just copy the following code:

[code language="html"]
<iframe width="710" height="480" src=" simple/Quizzes/Present simple questions (Web)/index.html"></iframe>

Present tense – Revision

To revise everything students have learnt about the present simple tense, there are two quizzes to do this.
In the first one, students have to tick all the sentences, that are grammatically correct.

To play the quiz on the full screen, click the button below:

Choose the correct sentences

To put this quiz on your website or wordpress site, just copy the following code:

[code language="html"]
<iframe width="710" height="480" src=" simple/Quizzes/Present simple choose correct (Web)/index.html"></iframe>

And in the last exercise, students try to choose the correct answer for each gap.

To play the quiz on the full screen, click the button below:

Present tenses revision

To put this quiz on your website or wordpress site, just copy the following code:

[code language="html"]
<iframe width="710" height="480" src=" simple/Quizzes/Present simple questions and affirmative (Web)/index.html"></iframe>
(Visited 842 times, 1 visits today)

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  1. Congrats on your website! I’m an English teaacher and it’s really helping me a lot!! These games are fantastic and perfect to revise the present tense, thank you!

  2. Should you wish to work on your proficiency with the Simple Present tense and other tenses, consider exploring websites like It’s a cost-free online simulator that supplies exercises to enhance your English grammar skills.

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