Be going to mind map
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Be going to for elementary students of English

Are you going to teach or learn the form “BE GOING TO” for expressing future? This post might come handy. There is a mind map explaining all the forms: Affirmative sentences, negative sentences and questions. This post is especially designed for elementary students who need to learn the form. There are two games to practise…

verbs and prepositions for elementary students
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Verbs and prepositions for elementary students

Many verbs in English are often followed by the same preposition. Therefore it is best to learn them togehter from the beginning. However, even if you do this it is neccessary to sum it up from time to time. ADVERT [showmyads] The following summary was created for my elementary students of English and it contains…

Should ought to and had better mind map
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Should, ought to and had better – other ways to give advice

Recently I have published a post on giving advice. And our post on modal verbs won the British Council blog award. This post will deal with three ways to express the modal verb SHOULD. The different means are HAD BETTER and OUGHT TO. Both of these have the same meaning as SHOULD. This grammar point…