There are some grammar points which I have been struggling with for years. Not that I would not understand them or use them incorrectly, but I always fail when I try to pass my knowledge to my students. And the usage of present continuous for future arrangements was one of the grammar points that I could not explain clearly no matter how tallented my students were.
Till this day!!
Today I feel that I broke the curse and I created a set of materials that help me explain the grammar clearly and correctly. And here I would like to share them with you.
You can find here an infographic, a game and an interactive quiz.
Present continuous for future arrangements – infographic
In my opinion this infographic has it all. It explains the
difference between an arrangement and a plan and states which tense should be used. At the same time it acknowledges that native speakers often do not feel any difference between the two tenses.

Present continuous for future arrangements – a game
In the lesson my students were really excited about the game below.
It is called On Target, and your task is to choose the correct option and then shoot all the bad frogs and ducks. You can shoot one of the bottles on the wall to get a bonus. The only problem with this game is the fact it is in Flash and will play only on desktop computers. Enjoy.
Future arrangements – On target game
Present continuous for future arrangements – an online quiz
The following
quiz can help your students practise the difference between present continuous and BE GOING TO. In the quiz, students should complete the text using either present continuous tense or BE GOING TO form. The students will be rewarded with a game if they pass the quiz. The quiz is in HTML5, so it will play on all desktops and mobile devices.
Future arrangements – quiz
Present continuous for future arrangements – Your opinion
Have a look at the following poll and tell us how you feel about this grammar.
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