3 Speaking Activities to Practice the Past Simple Tense

3 Speaking Activities to Practice the Past Simple Tense

Textbooks often don´t offer enough speaking practice. If the book is good it gives you two speaking activities per unit and nothing more. Then the teacher has to search high and low to find some more. To make the search shorter, I share three speaking activities you can use to practise the past simple tense….

Describe a person speaking activity

Four speaking activities

In this post, I would like to share four speaking activities that worked very well in my classes. There are two games to practise comparatives and superlatives and two activities to practise describing people. The first two activities help your students practise the usage of comparatives and superlatives. The first one is a simple board…

Speaking activities battle room worksheet

Prepositions of place – speaking activities

Recently, in the post called Questions with Like, I asked you to choose the activity you would like me to write about. Most of you voted for a Speaking activity, so I prepared a set of speaking activities to practice the prepositions of place. I have already created a post on prepositions, so this time…

School subjects – speaking activities

School subjects – speaking activities

Speaking activities are the most important component of English courses using communicative approach. However, it is very difficult to find quality speaking activities that would work. That is why I would like to publish a speaking activity here once a week. All the activities will be based on the recommendations given by Keith S. Folse…