Pictionary_animals for web
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Animals vocabulary – learn the names of 50 animals

Many people think that the topic animals is suitable only for children. Thus the learners learn the names of twenty animals when they are young and they think it is enough. However, intermediate students need to know more animals than the twenty they learnt as children. That is why I have created the following post. Here the intermediate students can practise what they learnt a long time ago and add some more new words.

Animals – pictionary

Here is a beautiful pictionary with all the animals which will be dealt with in this post.
[showmyads] pictionary animals

Animals – video

Watch the video and repeat the names of the animals. Each word is pronounced twice.

Animals – mind map

For many people it is much easier to remember new vocabulary if it is organised. Here is a mind map which tries to do this.

Animals mind map

Animals – games

There are three games here. The first one is a classical wordsearch. Find the word, click on the first letter and then on the last one. Your task is to find all the animals there.

Animals Penalty game

The second game is called Penalty. Read the definitions and choose the correct animal.

Teacher invaders game

The last game is called Teacher invaders. Your task is to shoot all the invaders and write the names of the animals.

Half a minute game

And here is a bonus game. As some people do not like Teacher invaders here are the same words with the same definitions in a much quiter game:


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  1. Thank you for putting together all this great material.
    Just a couple of remarks regarding the mind-map:
    1. A spider is not an insect.
    2. A tortoise does not live in the sea, it lives on land. The ones living in water are called turtles (at least in British English if I am not mistaken).
    3. A frog is not a reptile.
    I guess these things are not that important for an English class but if a student was to use the knowledge acquired here in Biology class, there might be problems. 🙂
    Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks for the comment. I fully agree with you. Take the mind map with a pinch of salt. The division here is for memory purpose not a biological one. I have divided the animals in this way to help memory on the basis of association (I associate tortoise with water and spiders with the sea).
    Thanks for your comment again.

  3. Zdenda I love it! You’ve done an amazing job. I’m asking your permission to use it

  4. Thanks for your praise. Everyone is free to use the materials in your class do do not hesitate.

  5. thanx for giving us such wonderful knowledge just keep it up i want to request you please also give us post regarding the use of would have,should have, could have,i always find difficulty how to use it i will be very thankful to you.

  6. I will add this topic to the list of the ones I would like to work on. Thanks for your praise.

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