Possessive adjectives

Possessive adjectives

Possessive adjectives are extremely important for learners of English. Words like my, your, his, her, their and our belong among the most frequent ones in English. Thus, you have to know them. Moreover, you have to learn them early to be able to understand and communicate in the foreign language.
[showmyads] To help your students learn these super important words, Susan Brodar and I have created this post. There is an awesome chant by Susan, a clear mind map with several activities for your classroom, a quiz and a game. We are pretty sure that these activities will make it easier for your students to remember the possessive adjectives in English.

Possessive adjectives – chant

This wonderful chant was created by Susan Brodar. She has published it on her website http://bilingual-communications.weebly.com/. There are many wonderful materials worth seeing, so do not hesitate and visit her site.

First, ask the students to listen and then listen and repeat together with Susan.

Possessive adjectives – mind map

Print out the following mind map and go through it with your students. If you teach a monolingual class, ask the students to translate and retranslate the example sentences. Another activity your students could do is to cover the end branches with a paper and write the correct possessive adjective and their own example sentences.

Possessive adjectives

You can download the full image here:
Possessive adjectives – mind map

Possessive adjectives – Quizzes

The following quiz can help your students practise the possessive adjectives either at school or at home. The quiz consists of two parts. In the first part, students should match the pronouns and possessive adjectives. In the second part, students have to put the right possessive adjectives into the gaps. The students will be rewarded with a game after each part of the quiz they pass. The quiz is in HTML5, so it will play on all desktops and mobile devices.
[showmyadsa] Possessive adjectives – quiz

The second game is called Teacher Invaders. Students’ aim is to complete each sentence with the correct possessive adjective and then shoot all the Invaders. Good luck. As the game is in Flash it will play only on desktops.

Possessive adjectives – Invaders

Possessive adjectives – Links

You will find more chants and materials by Susan Brodar here.

There are some wonderful materials by British Council here.

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