Clothes vocabulary infographic
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Clothes vocabulary

In my opinion, vocabulary is the most important part of language learning. If you know some words and no grammar, you can communicate. However, if you know a lot of grammar and no words, communication is impossible.
[showmyads] In this post I would like to give you a chance to enrich your students vocabulary with words for describing items of clothing. There is an infographic, a film and an online quiz to help you teach over 30 words connected with clothing. I hope you find this post useful.

Clothes vocabulary – film

Here is a film to present and teach vocabulary connected with clothes. All the words are displayed, and pronounced by a native speaker. The video consists of two parts. In the first part the students see the clothes, and the word and they hear the native speaker pronounce the word. Their task is to repeat the words. In the second part of the video they only see the clothes, and their task is to say the correct word before they hear the speaker.

Clothes vocabulary – infographic

To make sure that your students can practise the vocabulary at home too, print out the following infographic and hand it out.
Clothes vocabulary infographic

Clothes vocabulary – online quiz

The following quiz is in HTML5 and will play on all mobile devices. It consists of two parts. In the first part, you should match the words with the correct pictures and then click on the correct piece of clothing.
In the second part of the quiz, you have to write the words you see in the picture. If you pass any of these parts, you will be rewarded with a game.
[showmyadsa] Clothes vocabulary – quiz

Clothes vocabulary – Links

You can find some great materials to teach clothes vocabulary at the British Council site.
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One Comment

  1. Thank you.. I love your website and the resources you’ve created.. this is amazing!!!! So cool!! I’m teaching English in Colombia and I find all this really useful. Blessings

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