English Learning Magazine free downloads

English Learning Magazine – free download

Six years ago, I spent a lot of time working on a magazine for learners of English. I managed to produce three issues. Today, I feel it is time to share them.

ELM – issue 1

The first issue is about sports. There are several vocabulary exercises where students can learn the names of various sports. There are several texts about famous sportspeople and about things connected with sport. Then there are several Grammar up exercises, too.

How to do Grammar Up exercises?

Grammar up is a new and unique way to improve your English and grammar. Each article consists of two texts. One is bold – this is the correct English – and the other is small – this is the text without grammar.

First read the bold text several times aloud. Then cover the bold text with a piece of paper. Complete the small text in writing first. Replace the dashes with articles and prepositions and put the verbs into the correct form and tense. Once you finish check your answers against the bold text. Then print out the page again, cover the bold lines and read the small text. Add the missing grammar while you read the text aloud. Check your answers at the end of each line.


You can download the first issue here.

ELM – issue 2

The second issue is about science and technology. Once again, there are texts about various scientists and discoveries, there are vocabulary exercises and Grammar Up exercises.


You can download the whole magazine here:

ELM – issue 3

The third issue concentrates on Easter. There are texts about various customs connected with this Christian holiday. Moreover, there are some language games to improve your English.
I have already shared this magazine here and you can find it at Easter – a magazine for learners of English.
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  1. Am I allowed to use this? I teach English for a company, can I use this worksheet?

  2. Zdenda –
    Loved the issues – and especially the ELM-Issue 1.
    That “match the sports and pictures section” was awesome!
    Thanks for making these.
    They are really helpful.

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