Passive voice – board game

I love playing games with my students. They lower students’ anxiety and they give them a chance to practise the language. Moreover, in a game mistakes are welcome, and students find it easier to concentrate and perservere. Therefore, a well designed game supports the learners’ growth mindset and is better than a lot of worksheets.

In this post, I would like to share a board game which I created for my students to practise the passive voice. Before I play the game with my students I teach the passive voice using the activities here. Once I feel that my students understand the grammar, we play the following board game.

Passive voice game

Printing the game, you will need to print three times as many pages two as pages one. Thus if you need the game for three groups, you will print the page 2 three times and the page 1 once. Moreover, you will need a dice for each group of students.

My students usually play the game in groups of three or four. Each of the students should take a counter that will represent him or her in the game. They place the counter on the START and throw the dice. They move their counter, read the sentence and transform it into the passive voice. The others listen carefully and check their answers using the key from the page 1. If the student forms the sentence correct, they may stay in the place where they landed. If they form the sentence incorrectly, they must return to the place where they started their move.

The student who gets to the end first is the winner.

I hope your students will enjoy the game as much as my students did.

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  1. Hi there,
    Has anybody used this game in class already? How long does it take? I’d like to include it in a lesson plan and timing is so important.
    Do you have printed instructions?

    Thank you!

  2. I have used the game. It takes about 7 minutes.
    I havenĀ“t got the printed instructions though. You can copy them from the post.

  3. Thanks a lot. Great idea. May I ask you what method you use for checking the sentences?

  4. I print the answers for each group and one of the students checks the answers.

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