Speaking about Christmas and New Year´s Eve

First Lesson after Christmas

Children love Christmas.

And they love speaking about it.

Here you will find a set of materials to help them speak in English.

In my first lesson after Christmas, I would like my students to tell me what they did and what they got. But let´s face it, their knowledge of English is not good enough to be able to do this. Therefore, I have to prepare a lesson where they will learn to speak about their Christmas and New Year´s Eve.



In this post, I will share this lesson with you. Students will learn to say what presents they got and what they did on New Year´s Eve. I hope you will find this lesson useful.

My Christmas – listening

Download and print the following worksheet. Each student needs their own worksheet.

Ask your students to listen to the following recording and complete exercise 1 in their worksheet.

The correct text looks like this:
This year I had a great Christmas. I celebrated it with my family. We decorated the tree and we had dinner. We had a carp and potato salad. We drank Coca cola. I got a lot of presents. I got a jigsaw puzzle, a T-shirt and a book.
On Boxing day we visited my grandparents.
On New Year´s Eve I was with my friends. We played some board games and we watched TV. We watched fireworks at midnight and we went to bed. I have a New Year’s resolution. I will study more.

The following video demonstrates an activity which I consider very useful. In the video, students first hear a sentence in their mother tongue. At the same time, they see the same sentence in English. Then they hear the sentence in English and they have to repeat it.

In this way, they get a comprehensible input and they practise the pronunciation. I play the video twice and then I play only the sound. I play the video in two following lessons and students then remember the whole chunks of language and they understand spoken English better. It works very well. Try it out!

After the video, students do the second exercise in the worksheet. They have to translate the words into their mother tongue.

In the third exercise, students try to complete the text in such a way that it is true for them. They can ask about the vocabulary they do not know. Once they finish, they sign their worksheets and hand them to the teacher. The teacher selects six or seven of the worksheets and reads them aloud. Students listen and guess the author of the text. They write their guesses on a piece of paper. At the end, the teacher announces who wrote the texts and awards the students with the highest number of correct guesses.

I hope this lesson will work for your students, too.

Happy New Year :-).

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  1. That’s a great idea for after Christmas lesson. It’s a pity the video is not available.

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