Irregular verbs again
I have already published several posts on irregular verbs: Past participles – divided according to the pronunciation and Present perfect tense. However, a week ago a student of mine contacted me and asked me if I could create a way for him to learn the irregular verbs. He spends a lot of time driving so he asked me to prepare something to listen to in his car. So I did. In this post there are 33 irregular verbs presented in an associative matrix, in mp3 for listening, in mp3 for learning and two games for practising them.
Irregular verbs – learning
Here you can find two ways to learn the irregular verbs. I have tried both and both work. The first one is called associative learning and you should write two words in your mother tongue under each verb. The words should be similar to the English words and at the same time they should emphasize the differences between the forms. For example Drive – Dr, Iveta DROVE – Dr., ovce, DRIVEN – Dři, venku. Create your own associations and you will see that you will know the verbs quickly.

Here is the pdf version of all the irregular verbs:
Irregular verbs – Listen and learn
In learning there are only a few methods which work for everyone. One of them is called Random repeat. You are presented with something new and then after a short time you are tested. Then another new thing is presented and you are tested again. This is repeated several times and at the end you know a lot. You can try this method here. You will here three irregular verbs and then you will hear just the infinitive and you have 3 seconds (quite a lot of time actually) to supply the past tense and past participle. After the three seconds you will hear the correct answers and another verb. I hope it will work for you: Audio Player
If you need just the correct pronunciation of each of the verbs presented above, here is the mp3 with all of the verbs:
Audio PlayerYou can download the files here:
All the irregular verbs
All the verbs learning mp3
Irregular verbs – games
Once you believe that you know the irregular verbs, it is time to practise them. Here there are two games for your mobile phones to practise the irregular verbs:
If you want to enjoy the game on the full screen click on the button:
Irregular verbs – Tower defenceIn the second game you should fill in the sentences with the correct words. If you pass the test you can play the game called Math pop and practise your maths at the same time.
If you want to play the game on a full screen, click the button below:
Irregular verbs – Math pop
You can find several online exercises at our new site to practice irregular verbs.
Am really appreciat 4 haven this online teaching
Thanks a lot
I want know to be know all irregular verbs at one pdf file its possbile
Im glad to hear like this lessons. So i pleased to ask you to send many more lessons to my email add that can improve my vocabulary .
I will be obliged to you sir if you look at my request.
Thank you.
A lot of thanks to the creator of this amazing Plan.
Coz its so easy to keep in mind.
Huge and huge succeses in your inventing!
Very good !!
Its a good website. I like it.
That was wonderful
Thank you
I will certainly add more irregular verbs soon.
Thank u so much
thank you so much
thank you so much
thanks for your help
I have added the link to the post. Right click the link and download the file.
Thank you Zdenda for creating such an amazing and easy way to learn irregular verbs. Please I would like to know if you are an english native speaker or english learner?
I am not a native speaker, but I ask the native speakers to do the pronunciation and check some difficult things.
Irregular verbs again. Its very good idea how to learn
very helpful teaching method
Thank you very much for all your knowledge
Excellent !
This is good
very helpful teaching
Very good! Thank you!
thanks for such a good information about it……….
I like it
I tried to download it using the link but did not work. Can any one please send it to me on whatsapp 233242064531;
Easy to teacher teach, good. in Cambodia
Nice of you to have considered visual learning for irregular verbs!
very good page.hope u keep u
p to date
easy and helpful way to learn irregular verbs ! thank you
Thank you vert much!This Is amazing!
my kids loved it.
i hope if you have any other for the big kids….