Past simple and past continuous
Yesterday a friend sent me a song he’d written that uses only the past simple and past continuous tenses. He asked me how I liked it, and I had to admit it was great. A few hours later I encountered a short explanation of the same grammar by, and I realised that I wanted to share both with my friends on the Internet. This post is the result.
In this post there is the song by Chris Barickman, a video explanation, an explanation by, an infographic and an interactive quiz.
Past simple and continuous – song
The lyrics worksheet:
Past continuous tense lyrics
Past simple and continuous – explanation
And here is another short explanation of the same grammar by
Past simple and continuous – infographic

Past continuous tense – full infographic
Past simple and continuous – quiz
The following quiz is in HTML 5 so it will play on all mobile devices and desktop computers. Your task is to choose the correct tense – either the past simple or the past continuous. Enjoy the games if you pass the tests.
Past simple or past continuous? – quizPast simple and past continuous