Past simple and past continuous tense
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Past simple and past continuous

Yesterday a friend sent me a song he’d written that uses only the past simple and past continuous tenses. He asked me how I liked it, and I had to admit it was great. A few hours later I encountered a short explanation of the same grammar by, and I realised that I wanted to share both with my friends on the Internet. This post is the result.
[showmyads] In this post there is the song by Chris Barickman, a video explanation, an explanation by, an infographic and an interactive quiz.

Past simple and continuous – song

Let’s start with the song. Please listen and complete the lyrics:

The lyrics worksheet:
Past continuous tense lyrics

Past simple and continuous – explanation

Now listen to the following explanation.

And here is another short explanation of the same grammar by

Past simple and continuous – infographic

Here is a set of infographics created by

Past continuous tense affirmative

Past continuous tense questions
See how the questions are formed in the past continuous tense
Past continuous tense usage
See when you should use the past continuous tense
If you want to download the full infographic in superb quality, you can do that here:
Past continuous tense – full infographic

Past simple and continuous – quiz

The following quiz is in HTML 5 so it will play on all mobile devices and desktop computers. Your task is to choose the correct tense – either the past simple or the past continuous. Enjoy the games if you pass the tests.

Past simple or past continuous? – quiz

Past simple and past continuous

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