Phrasal verbs - mind map
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Phrasal verbs – Fred and Betty

Phrasal verbs are always difficult to learn. Even though they consist of two or three tiny words, which are easy to remember themselves, they can create so many different combinations that students quickly become totally confused. Moreover, the meaning of the phrasal verb cannot be deduced from its parts. Therefore the students do not know the verbs and refuse to use them.

I really like the programmes which BBC produced some time ago. They are called Face up to phrasals and they are several short, entertaining stories introducing 12 phrasal verbs each. However, they created nice stories and wonderful explanations and that was it. There were no activities to help you really learn the phrasal verbs. And here I stepped in and I created a mind map and several games to help your learn the 12 phrasal verbs.

Fred and Betty – the video

You can watch the video here

Phrasal verbs – mind map

Here you can see all 12 phrasal verbs in a mind map. Each verb contains a definition and examples of its usage.




Phrasal verbs - mind map

Phrasal verbs – games

I have prepared 3 games for you to practise the phrasal verbs. First of them is called hoop shoot and your task is to choose the correct phrasal verb which best fits into the gap.

Phrasal verbs – hoop shoot game.

The second game is slightly more difficult. You have to read the tasks carefully, as here you have to choose the wrong or correct option.

Phrasal verbs – penalty game.

The last game is called invaders and it is the most difficult game. Your task is to shoot all the aliens and in the meantime complete each sentence with the correct preposition.

Phrasal verbs – invaders game.

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  1. Thank you very much for these materials. I’m Spanish and I have tried to learn phrasal verbs in many different ways but it doesn’t work. I’ll study your mind map and do your games. I hope I’ll get success finally.

  2. Thank you for your time in creating this material. I have been studying for quite some time now because Iám planning to take an IELTS exam. Iám having a problem with my writing and speaking. 🙁

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