Magic Grammar Cards

Magic Grammar Cards for Learners of English

Recently I introduced Magic Grammar Cards in my classes. These cards are extremely versatile, easy to prepare and simple to use. Moreover, I believe that they are a great way to revise grammar and they support independent learning. ADVERT: [showmyads]
What is a Magic Grammar Card
In the video below, you can see an example of the Magic Grammar Card . As you can see, Magic Grammar Card is a sheet of paper which is printed in the following way. On the front page, there is a gap fill exerciseand it needs to be printed on the right half of the page. On the back side of the sheet, there is a translation of the gap-fill sentences (placed on the left-hand side) and a correct solution of the gap-fill exercise (on the right-hand side). The correct answers are in bold letters and underlined.
How to make Magic Grammar Card
Magic Grammar Cards are easy to prepare. You just need to print the paper as it is described above. You must print it on both sides, so it is good to have a duplex printer.
How to use Magic Grammar Card
The video above explains the usage of the cards. However, to make sure you get it right, I will explain it again. First, the students do the gap-fill exercise. They do not write anything. Learners just read the sentence, put the verb into the correct tense and then open the card and check their answers immediately. They close the card and continue with the second sentence and so on. Once, they finish the gap-fill exercise, they open the card, cover the solution and try to translate the sentences on the left into English. After each sentence, they peek at the correct sentence and see whether they got it right.
Below you can download 6 Magic Grammar Cards. Each document contains three cards. The first document contains exercises to practise the present simple tense. In the other document I share exercises to practise the present simple and the present continuous tenses. If you create some cards yourself, please share them or send them to my email and I will share them here.
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  1. Hi Zdenek,
    I really like this idea. At the moment I´m teaching quite a lot of students who need exactly this approach. I´ll definitely use your cards and hopefully create my own and share with you.
    Thanks a lot for your hard work.

  2. Hi Zdenek,
    I really like this idea. At the moment I´m teaching quite a lot of students who need exactly this approach. I´ll definitely use your cards and hopefully create my own and share with you.
    Thanks a lot for your hard work.

  3. Thanks so much for this great ideas!!! I use them a lot! I´m teaching quite a lot of students who need exactly this approach.

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