May might and will mind map
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Future tenses – May and will

In English there are many ways to speak about future and at the same time there are many grammarians who claim that there is nothing like a future tense in English. I do not want to discuss this issue here, I would only like to present two ways of speaking about future.

[showmyads] First I will introduce the basic system of future tenses in English according to the speaker’s certainty. The tenses presented at the bottom of the pyramid are the least certain to happen. The tenses at the top of the pyramid are the most certain.

future tenses mind map

And in this post, I would like to deal with the tenses that are at the bottom of the pyramid: MAY/MIGHT and WILL.

MAY/MIGHT and WILL – mind map

First study the following mind map. Notice that MAY/MIGHT does not make questions about the future. Moreover, there do not exist any short forms of the negatives of MIGHT and MAY (no mayn’t or mightn’t.)

May might and will mind map

WILL is the most frequent form used to speak about the future. So if you are in doubt, use WILL. In both cases the verbs used after the words MIGHT/MAY and WILL are always in their basic form (in the infinitive without TO).


Once you have studied the mind maps and the explanations above, it is time to practise all you have learnt in several games. The first game is called On Target and your task is to choose which word best suits into each gap. If you answer correctly you will be given a chance to shoot the bad ducks. You can shoot a bottle too and get a bonus.
Will and Might – On Target
In the second game you should choose the correct form again and score a basket. Good luck.
Will and Might – Hoop shoot
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  1. Yeah, i read yours.Simply saying about future tense in my point of view, WILL is used only on pledging about a future action, other hand, only simple present tense is obviously used to future action. THE MINISTER WILL VISIT TOMORROW is a swear. THE MINISTER VISITS TOMORROW is an appropriate structure to mean the fututre action! MAY and Might to be treated a future distance possibility in present tense that’s all, not to be said as you’ve done. V.MAHENDIRAN

  2. It helps us to remind the correct usage of english grammar. I really appreciate the exercises given .Thanks for sharing!

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