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Learn 10 new words in 16 minutes

There is the famous quote which says that you can say very little without grammar but you can say nothing without vocabulary. I completely agree, and that is why I have created the following post. I aim to teach intermediate students 10 new words.
In this post I am going to teach the words that are among the 4,000 most frequent words. This selection of words is based on Paul Nation´s list of words.
I hope you will find it useful and that you will learn the new words quickly.

Vocabulary Lesson 1 – mind map
First, you should study the words in the following infographic. I try to give the definition of the word, a clue to remember the word quicker, and some example sentences. I honestly hope these will help you learn the vocabulary better and quicker.
Vocabulary infographics 02

Vocabulary Lesson 1 – interactive quiz
You can practise the vocabulary now in the following interactive quiz. The quiz is in HTML5 and it will play on all mobile devices.

[showmyadsa] Interactive quiz – full screen

If you cannot do the quiz above, you can print out the following document and practise the vocabulary there.

Vocabulary_4000_02 worksheet

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  1. It was really great idea to learn words. I learned all words.
    How can i get more word map like this?
    thank you so much to upload this

  2. We will publish another mind map by Saturday. Just check this site regularly and you cannot miss it.

  3. Thank you very much, In deed my vocabulary is expanding with words.

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