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Battle of Hastings

This material is a demonstration of the approach called CLIL. In CLIL You learn the content and thus you learn the language. However, experimenting a bit with the approach I like to do this a bit differently. First, I introduce the vocabulary through the mind map, then I present the text (this time in a video) and then we assess the understanding and play the games to practise the vocabulary.

Battle of Hastings – video

Watch the video and try to understand it.

Battle of Hastings – mind map


Battle of Hastings Mind map

Battle of Hastings – games

Once you have watched the video you should try the comprehension questions in the game. Your task is to shoot only the evil figures.

Battle of Hastings – On Target game

Vocabulary games: In the first game you should read the definition and guess the word. Then click the arrow and you will see the correct words

Flashcards – vocabulary

Now that you know the words it is time to see whether you know the words:

Quiz – vocabulary

Fill in the blank – vocabulary

Crosswords – vocabulary

Battle of Hastings – For teachers

As many of the readers of this blog are teachers here is a brief section for them. When I teach this section I display the second slide of the Powerpoint presentation and I teach the vocabulary there. Then I play the video and play the comprehension game On Target with the students (divide the students into two teams to make the game more enjoyable.) Then I display the last slide and the students have to retell the story of Harold, Harald and William. Moreover, there is a pdf file with the mind map and a presentation which is easy to display on the IWB as it is in Powerpoint.

1066_Battle of Hastings

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  1. Hi Zdenek,
    I would like to thank you for your superb material that I could adapt and together with some other materials use it to deliver a really excellent lesson to my B2 students. I also made a blogpost about it and mentioned you and your blog in it.
    Gabriella Kovács

  2. Thank you Gabriella. I am really happy that you find the materials so useful.

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