Plants – learn the names of 15 kinds of plants
In my opinion Plants are one of the worst covered vocabulary topics in ELT. That is why, I have created the following post. There is a pictionary with all the words, a mind map, a video and four games to practise the vocabulary. I hope you will find these words useful.
Plants – vocabulary video
Here is a video with the words and their pronunciation.
Plants – pictionary
Here are all the words in a pictionary. You can print this material out (as long as you do not try to profit financially from this.)

Plants – mind map
This mind map tries to divide the vocabulary into three categories: Deciduous trees (those that have leaves), coniferous trees and flowers. Some students find these divisions useful.
Watch and practise
Watch the pictures and say the words in English.
Plants – games
Here are four games to practise the vocabulary. Give them a try:
Click Here to play the gamePick a letter