Reported speech - mind map
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Reported Speech

Reported speech is quite difficult. Students are often confused why the tenses change and what they mean. Here they will get a chance to understand the grammar point better.

Reported speech – video

First, they can watch the two videos explaining the usage of reported speech.


The second explanation is based upon the Grammar challenge by BBC too. This time they explain the reported questions. Right click the link below and download the file. Then open it in Adobe Reader, otherwise it will not play.

Grammar challenge reported questions

Reported speech – mind map

Here you can see a mind map which tries to sum up all the grammar points into one picture.

reported speech mind map

Reported speech – online quiz

And as this site concentrates on games to practise grammar and vocabulary, here is another game to practise reported speech. In this game only the basic rules are practised and therefore the option that the direct speech remains as it is, is never correct in this game.

Reported Speech – En garde game

To play the game, click the download button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Then open the downloaded file in Adobe reader (it is free) and it will work.

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  1. Good job! Just… in a mind map there’s a misspelling: preset instead of present:)

  2. I always spent my half an hour to read this blog’s articles every day along with a mug of coffee.

  3. I really like your work!
    There is a little mistake in the word “preset”, where it should be “preseNt”, isn’t there?

  4. Yes, you are right. Thank you for spotting the mistake. Glad you like the page.

  5. Great! It’s the best. I tried to find this topic .It’s helpful for me .

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